Policy & Markets

EPA Registers Storen Corn Herbicide

A residual that won’t quit is now available to growers looking for next-level performance.

Farmers expect clean fields when they invest in a herbicide program. Still, nearly 40% of growers say Palmer amaranth and waterhemp are difficult to control with current preemergence corn herbicides.1 This challenge — and its potential impact on yield — led to the development of Storen corn herbicide, recently registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Storen is specifically designed for growers looking for next-level performance. It helps prevent or eliminate weeds through its powerful combination of four active ingredients that deliver maximum residual and long-lasting, consistent performance.

The formulation of the key active ingredients in Storen — bicyclopyrone, mesotrione, S-metolachlor and pyroxasulfone — provides residual that could last up to three weeks longer than other leading corn herbicides.2 This control can lead to clean rows and clear results by reducing weed escapes, resprays, weed interference and weed seed produced for future years.

Labeled for preemergence and post-emergence in field and seed corn, Storen controls* up to 74 weed species, including stubborn Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, kochia, common lambsquarters, morning glory, giant ragweed, common ragweed and annual grasses.

Contact your local Syngenta rep to see Storen in field trials. For more information about Storen, visit StorenWontQuit.com.

1Syngenta market research, 2022. n=302.

2Storen length-of-control advantage based on 2022 Syngenta and university replicated trials comparing Storen to Resicore® and TriVolt. Data source: 2022; HBI008A4-2022US. Weeks delivering 90% weed control.

*Control or partial control. See label for details.