Field Insights
Tech & Research
Community & Culture
Tech & Research
Field Insights
California pest control advisor Brandon Stidham recommends Miravis Prime fungicide to control grape disease.
Tech & Research
Our technical support team is always available to help growers succeed.
Community & Culture
Dig into college life with Iowa State senior Ashlyn Frederick.
Tech & Research
Syngenta navigates regulatory requirements to provide important special labels as efficiently as possible.
Field Insights
Sam "the Corn King" Santini shares what it takes to build soil health and maintain winning yields.
Farm Operations
Leaders at the St. Gabriel, LA manufacturing site explain how we make sure we deliver the right products to the right acre at the right time — every time.
Field Insights
Learn the ideal soil conditions for vegetable planting and get quick tips to achieve them.
Community & Culture
Through his online persona, The Farmer’s Life, Brian Scott educates his followers about life on the farm.
Field Insights
Partnerships at Delta F.A.R.M. help growers realize the benefits of cover cropping systems on their operations.
Field Insights
Before you dust off the combine, set yourself up for success by making a plan that will help run harvest as smoothly as possible.
Tech & Research
Andy '@aTrippyFarmer' Dole and Todd Wachtel share how drones bring efficiency, flexibility and fun to their operations.
Field Insights
Protect potatoes by scouting regularly and correctly identifying these three threats.
Field Insights
Get to know these common corn culprits: foliar diseases including gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight, Southern rust and tar spot.
Community & Culture
Syngenta gives back to the local St. Gabriel community through ag education, outreach and more.
Field Insights
One quick trick can be all growers need to learn to tell the difference between these two pigweeds.
Field Insights
Maximize the impact of fungicides with timely applications to protect corn when it's most vulnerable to disease and stress.