Field Insights

Don’t Let Weak Roots Limit Your Crops’ Growth

Diseases like Pythium, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and common root rot destroy the crown and root tissues which prevent seedlings from developing strong roots.

Cereal and pulse crop planting is right around the corner, so you may be monitoring the weather and soil temperature to determine when to get the seed in the ground. Aside from these conditions, there could be insects and diseases in the soil that can impact your crop. Planting treated seed can be your best defense against early-season pests and adverse planting conditions.

Disease is one of the largest contributors to a loss in yield potential. Cooler, wet climates like those found in the Pacific Northwest can bring about an increased risk of disease for cereal and pulse crops. These diseases, like Pythium, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and common root rot destroy the crown and root tissues which prevent seedlings from developing strong roots. This early season root damage impacts yield potential as roots are unable to properly absorb vital water and nutrients.

In 2022, northern states lost an estimated 44.6 million bushels to disease. A quality seed treatment like Vayantis® can help control disease caused by Pythium species and maximize yield potential by protecting your plant’s roots. In a study done by North Dakota State University, a fungicide seed treatment improved plant stand by an average of 8.4%.

Another contributor to a loss in yield potential is insects. Some insects such as wireworms overwinter within the soil and begin to emerge during planting and early crop development stages. Wireworms will then feed on roots, seeds and young plants which puts stress on the crop and can lead to issues with emergence, plant stand and growth. When insects like wireworms feed on your crop’s roots and the seed itself, the result is a wilting, stunting or even killing of the plant.

It is often too late to treat your crop for these pests once the damage has been done, which is why the use of a seed treatment during planting is one of the best defenses against them. For in-season protection against wireworms and weak root development, a new insecticide seed treatment will be coming soon. Featuring active ingredient isocycloseram, an Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) Group 30, this new seed treatment will protect cereals and pulses from early-season stressors.

Are you interested in learning more about isocylocersam once it is available for use? Sign-up to be one of the first to learn more.

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission. 

Isocycloseram is not yet registered for sale or use in the U.S. and is not being offered for sale.

March 2024 | By Syngenta Thrive

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