Herbicide applications at less than full rate may significantly reduce your return on investment (ROI).
As commodity prices fluctuate, applying partial rates of herbicides for corn and soybeans may seem like a viable cost-cutting strategy. However, using herbicide applications at less than full rate can significantly reduce your return on investment.
Using less than the full, labeled rate may also lead to:
To avoid these challenges and get the most out of your herbicide program, make pre- and post-emergence applications at full rates — and at the recommended growth stage indicated on the product labels. If you use partial rates, you’ll only get partial control.
Timing is critical when using a post-emergence herbicide with long-lasting residual control to help you manage weeds when they are most vulnerable. In 2020, one-pass studies across six locations demonstrated an over seven bu/A yield advantage for early-post applications at the full rate.
Weeds depend on routine to survive. That’s why you need to build diversity into your weed management programs to prevent further development of herbicide-resistant weeds. Weed management programs that rely on one active ingredient increase the potential for resistant weeds to develop — and make these products ineffective.
Scouting early and using multiple modes of action in your post-emergence herbicide program can prevent weeds from overtaking your corn fields. Acuron® GT post-emergence corn herbicide delivers enhanced control of yield-robbing weeds and long-lasting residual because it is the first and only glyphosate premix that contains the unique ingredient bicyclopyrone (BIR).
The powerful combination of four active ingredients and three sites of action in Acuron GT also helps manage difficult weeds longer into the season, which helps fully protect yield potential and minimize the weed seed bank for next year’s crop.
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