Field Insights

Help Support Uniform Stand Establishment for Cereal and Pulse Crops

A soil moisture of 1.2x the wilting point is needed for the wheat seed to successfully germinate.

When thinking about planting wheat, be sure to consider how to help ensure even emergence and plant stand. Factors like early-season insect and disease pressure, soil temperature and uneven moisture levels can affect stand establishment and yield potential. It’s important to help set your crop up for a strong start because inconsistent stands can have consequences.

During planting, it is important to give your seeds and seedlings the best chance to grow while they are at their most vulnerable. There are a few factors to consider to help promote germination and seedling emergence, including soil moisture. A soil moisture of 1.2x the wilting point is needed for the wheat seed to successfully germinate. If the soil moisture falls below that level, germination may stall and damage to the seed could occur.

As plants begin to emerge, they must maintain a high level of photosynthesis to promote optimal growth and development. When uneven plant stands occur, smaller late-emerging plants are unable to receive the sunlight they need which negatively impacts yield potential. The yield lost from the smaller, weaker plants is not overcome by the larger, stronger plants. Less plant-to-plant variation helps increase yield potential.

In areas or fields with poor plant stands, you may need to endure the cost of replanting. Before making that tough decision, you must first assess your crop injury and stand establishment. Consider the existing yield potential based on the remaining plant stand and the additional costs associated with replanting before making your decision.

A quality seed treatment can help defend against early-season pest pressures while helping develop a strong plant stand. A new insecticide seed treatment in cereal and pulse crops will be available for use soon. Featuring active ingredient isocycloseram, an Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) Group 30, this new seed treatment will help crops’ germination potential and plant establishment while managing wireworm pressures in your field.

Are you interested in learning more about isocylocersam once it is available for use? Sign-up to be one of the first to learn more.

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

Isocycloseram is not yet registered for sale or use in the U.S. and is not being offered for sale.

March 2024 | BY Syngenta thrive

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